Thursday, February 4, 2010

URGENT: Haitian Women's Groups Send Out Plea for Sanitary and Other Supplies for Women and Girls

Dear Friends,

Let's make this happen!!

All necessary info.--supply list & address--included in article. Next time you run errands, just pick up a few, extra items, head to the post office & SEND!

It's that easy, inexpensive, and fast to change, support, uplift, and positively, impact the life of another human being.

Let's remind Haitian women & girls that we celebrate them in body & spirit!

In solidarity,

**Please, keep this message circulating!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Haitian Women's Groups Send Out Plea for Sanitary and Other Supplies for Women and Girls

By Jodi Jacobson, Editor, RH Reality Check
February 4, 2010 - 12:08pm

Haitian women's groups report that while contributions from the international community continue to pour in, "in many camps essentials such as food and clothing are not yet widely available, especially for women and children."

In a letter of appeal sent to colleagues in the international women's movement, Sergia Galvan and Mayra Tavarez of Colectiva Mujeres Y Salud/CAFRA in the Dominican Republic write:

As with most other natural disasters, the strongest and the fittest tend to dominate disaster supply chain and distribution. Women and young girls are the last to have access to the supplies chain and distribution points. So they do not receive the supplies that they most urgently need in addition to food and water. So it is in Haiti.

"Rape of young girls and women is also a growing problem as is common in the aftermath of most disasters" they write. Because of this, there is also an "urgent need for the morning after pill.

** Haitian women, young girls and youth are in need of: **

Feminine supplies.
Feminine wipes.
Panties, bras and clothes and other support (especially for pregnant women and new mothers).
Personal/household supplies for birth delivery and after: (rubbing alcohol or disposable anti-germicidal substitutes; baby wipes, baby wraps, pampers, socks and caps and supplies for nursing. mothers/newborn; (It is cold at nights so there is need to cover the feet and heads of the newborns).
Clothing and under garments for women and young girls.
Bedding & blankets for babies and mothers.

Their plea: Send supplies or money to help purchase any of the above items. In general, say Galvan and Tavarez, "any supplies (such as toothpaste, tooth brushes etc) that can be used for daily living for men, women, boys and girls are welcome."
We need your support for these resources and any financial contribution towards shipment that you are able to make.

Donations can be sent directly to:
Sergia Galvan and Mayra Tavarez
Colectiva Mujeres Y Salud/CAFRA
Calle Socomo Sanchez
No 74, Gazcue, Santo Domingo DR

This is a specific drive for Emergency Supplies for Haitian women and girls* that is being sponsored by the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA) and Colectiva Mujers Y Salud (Women’s Health Collective), Dominican Republic, and the CAFRA Youth League in Haiti. This assistance is being transferred primarily through the Myriam Merlet International Solidarity Camp* directly to women and women´s organizations.

Myriam Merlet was a National Representative of CAFRA who was killed during the earthquake.

Published under: Real Time Blog | Contraception | STI/HIV/AIDS Prevention | Maternal Health | Access to Abortion | Women’s Rights | Childbirth | safe motherhood | menstruation | Haiti | earthquake in Haiti | sanitary supplies | sanitation
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Monday, February 1, 2010

Haitian Women Post-Quake

U.N. Delivers Relief Directly to Haitian Women

Haitian women lose out in post-quake "survival of the strongest"

Haiti Workers Hand Out 'Women-Only' Aid Coupons

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Help Heal Haiti's Women!

Dear Friends,

So, often, as women, we are busy fighting for equality--to be paid, treated, and respected the same as men--that we forget to value our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits from a female perspective.

Now, more than ever, it is imperative for us to connect with ourselves, as women, and envision the plight of Haitian women who may be pregnant, nursing, post-partum, or menstruating. They may have lost children, spouses, partners, whole families, pregnancies.

Tent cities have sprung up and while, reports from Haiti have been peaceful mostly, without alot of interpersonal violence, as the trauma sets in, undoubtedly (though, I wish for just the opposite!) there will be untreated Post-Traumatic Stress that takes root, causing the rates of violence, sexual assault and all forms of abuse to skyrocket.

We-here-now...must take a moment to consider what it would be like as women to face the circumstances Haitian women are experiencing. Perhaps, some of us have lived through natural disasters before. Perhaps we have lived through our own, personal disastrous circumstances. Either way, the value of an incredible network of women is irreplaceable.

Many of Haiti's women leaders of change have been lost from within Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora, an imperative piece of Hatian infrastructure and security. Therefore, at this time, we must dig deeper, give more, organize harder, activate in greater ways, and share as if we were experiencing this extreme crisis & catastrophic situation first-hand. There is no, greater motivation than empathy.

The power to help is in our hands. We can hold fundraisers, bake sales, donate portions of income, auction crafts, ask companies to match donations, write music, create art, send quilts, organize community contributions, create accounts for donations from houses of faith...the list is endless and can be as creative as one's own passions to give.

Below, is a list of Women's Organizations that work in, around, in support o,f and with Haiti which provide resources specifically, to women through women's programming. This is not a complete list but is a fairly, comprehensive initial list-and will continue to grow. Please, post others on our group wall or message me. I will add them to the expanding list. Please, circulate this list!

When giving, please, give sustainably-commit even small amounts for a month, a year, 5 years. We see the change in our own lives & spirits from the help we provide to others. The women of Haiti need our love, support, and for their womanhood to be cherished.

We must work together to help fill in the gap.

In solidarity and hope for Haiti's future,

*This note is written by a woman, about women, to help the women of Haiti but *MEN*, we deeply & wholly, *NEED* your support, strength, & solidarity, as well! Please, read below and learn how to help the women of Haiti & the women you most care for in your own life. We are all connected, need each other, must work together to heal ourselves, our Earth, our global community. Thank you for your support, respect, action and love of all humanity. ~Jennifer

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*Women's Organizations & Programs For Women of Haiti*

Alternative Chance

Amnesty International

Amplify Your Voice

Association Women Sun of Haiti (AFASDA)
Tel: 509.431.4089

Asosiyasyon Fanm Ayisyen nan Boston (AFAB)


Tel: 509.246.2886

Centre for Specialized Education
Tel: 509.222.21.54 or 257.2738 or 554.4376



Carma Foundation

Tel: 509.246.3496

Code Pink For Peace

Consulat Général de la République D'Haïti à New York
Haitian Women's Program
Tel: 718.953.4100
Fax: 718.399.0360

Directory of Organizations Working In and For Haiti

Enfofanm+ coordinator of CONAP
Tel: 245.0346
Journalist at Enfofanm
Tel: 509.211.0169

Fanm Yo La
Tel: 509.244.5428 or 509.403.9229

Family Health International

Fanm Ayisyen Nan Miyami

Feminist Peace Network

Foundation des Anciens Eleves de L'Institution Saint-Louis de Gonzague (FASLG)

Gender & Disaster Network

Global AIDS Program
Tel: 509.2511.1460
Tel: 509.2942.0321

Global Fund For Women

Global Fund For Women Partners:
Fondation TOYA

Organisation Femmes Victimes de Solino

Kodinasyon Solidarité Fanm Djanm Sid

Mouvman Peyizan Papay/Fanm MPP

Global Women's Strike

Grassroots International

Haitian American Organization for Women, Inc.

Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees
Tel: 718.735.4660
Tel: 718.735.4664

Industrial Workers of The World


International Gay & Lesbian Rights Commission

Jhpiego, An Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University

Kay Famn (part of CONAP)
Tel: 509.245.5174


Lambi Fund Of Haiti

Lig Pouvwa Fanm
Tel: 509.22.3035
Tel: 509.45.8200

MADRE - Haiti
Tel: 212.627.0444
Tel: 212.675.3704 or International, Inc.
Tel: 613.728.1439
Tel: 613.728.1154

Ministère de la Condition Féminine et des Droits des Femmes
Tel: 509.224-962 or 509.224-969

Movement of Haitian women for Development and Education (MOUFHED)
Tel: 509.245.8570

Movimiento De Mujeres Dominico-Haitanas

Ms. Foundation For Women
Haiti Earthquake Guide To Giving

National Coalition for Haitian Rights (Coalition Nationale pour les Droits des Haitiens)
Tel: 212.337.0005

National Council of Jewish Women

National Council of Negro Women

National Council of Women of Haiti (Conseil National de Femmes d'Haiti)
Umbrella organisation
BP 1082, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

National Organization For Women

Pan American Development Foundation (PADF)
Tel: 509.246.3938
Fax: 509.246.07 86

Partners In Health

Partners In Health Women's Clinic In Haiti / Proje Sante Fanm

Peace Women: Women's International League of Peace & Freedom

Poto Mitan


Solidarite Fanm Ayisyen / Solidarity with Haitian Women (SOFA)
Tel: 509 245 44 60
Fax: 509 245 84 77

The Breast Milk Project (Donate Breast Milk to Haiti!)

The Cloth Diaper Report (Donate Diapers To Haiti!)

Tulane-Xavier National Center For Women's Health & Excellence

Haiti Rescue Fund





Vivir Latino

Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
Tel: 212 973 0325
Fax: 212 973 0335

Women For A Change

Women's Refugee Commission

Women War Peace

*Women's Organizations & Programs For Women of Haiti*
Compiled By:

Jennifer A. Sachs
Jennifer Sachs Holistic Consulting

Thanks to all who work so, diligently, to network & resource for the well-being of all.

Help Heal Haiti

*Huffington Post*

Huffington Post Impact has put together a comprehensive list of links to donate and get involved in relief efforts for victims of last week's devastating earthquake. You can also go to The Goods: Help Send Relief To Haiti, an online store by Causecast and HuffPost Impact, where you can purchase products for organizations that will be directly used on the ground in Haiti.

NOTE: We will continually be updating this page. The best way for you to help right now is to give through one of the organizations below.

If there are organizations missing from this list, feel free to notify us at Our list below is still the most comprehensive resource of organizations helping in Haiti. This update contains several new groups and fundraisers that make it easy to give:

The U.S. State Department Operations Center has set up the following number for Americans seeking information about family members in Haiti: 1-888-407-4747

Music For Relief is offering a compilation of unreleased music, available for free download on The site encourages donations, which will be divided equally among the United Nations Foundation, Habitat For Humanity, and Dave Matthews Band's BAMA Works Haitian relief program.

National Nurses United already has 10,000 nurses volunteering to go to Haiti, but they need to raise money to send them there. Every dollar donated to NNU will be spent directly on sending a professional nurse to Haiti.

Artists For Peace and Justice is a relatively new organization with an advisory board of prominent celebrity activists, including Maria Bello, Madeleine Stowe, Charlize Theron, Oliver Stone and Josh Brolin. Founded by filmmaker Paul Haggis, the group originally sought to help build functional schools in impoverished regions in Haiti. Since the earthquake, they've directed all of their funds to recovery efforts, with a focus on helping to rebuild schools, hospitals and orphanages.

K.I.D.S., or Kids In Distressed Situations, is delivering clothes, diapers, and water and is asking for cash donations as well as product gifts. To inquire about necessary items you can give, contact K.I.D.S. president Janice Weinman at 212-279-5493 x207.

Healing The Children has firm commitments from numerous pediatric hospitals throughout the U.S. to provide medical care for over 50 children injured in the Haiti earthquake. They will organize and navigate the medical system for the children and provide a host family to offer the children the love and security they need during their treatment.

The American Red Cross is pledging an initial $200,000 to assist communities impacted by this earthquake. They expect to provide immediate needs for food, water, temporary shelter, medical services and emotional support. They are accepting donations through their International Response Fund.

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is being run by former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and was created at the behest of President Obama. They oversee the CBHF through their respective nonprofit organizations, the William J. Clinton Foundation and Communities Foundation of Texas. One hundred percent of the donations made to the Clinton Foundation go directly to relief efforts. Ninety-nine percent of the donations made to the Communities Foundation of Texas go directly to relief efforts.

•Haitian-born musician Wyclef Jean is raising funds for emergency earthquake relief through his nonprofit organization Yele Haiti. Text YELE to 501501 to give $5 to the fund. Yele Haiti came under scrutiny this week for potential improper allocation of funds. Wyclef Jean responded to these accusations on Saturday on YouTube and again on Monday in a press conference.

UNICEF has issued a statement that "Children are always the most vulnerable population in any natural disaster, and UNICEF is there for them." UNICEF requests donations for relief for children in Haiti via their Haiti Earthquake Fund. You can also call 1-800-4UNICEF.

Operation USA is appealing for donations of funds from the public and corporate donations in bulk of health care materials, water purification supplies and food supplements which it will ship to the region from its base in the Port of Los Angeles. Donate online at, by phone at1-800-678-7255 or, by check made out to Operation USA, 3617 Hayden Ave, Suite A, Culver City, CA 90232.

Save The Children has launched an emergency relief effort for Haiti. Donate to their fund to provide medical attention and clean water to children and families. Text "SAVE" to 20222 to donate $10 to Save the Children for Haiti earthquake victims.

International Medical Corps is assembling a team of first responders and resources to provide lifesaving medical care and other emergency services to survivors of the earthquake. The IMC previously helped recovery efforts after September 2009's earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia, and the massive 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Donate to the International Medical Corps through their 24-hour hotline at 800-481-4462

•Ben Stiller's Stillerstrong campaign will be temporarily diverting all donations to support the Haiti relief effort.

Partners In Health reports its Port-au-Prince clinical director , Louise Ivers, has appealed for assistance: "Port-au-Prince is devastated, lot of deaths. SOS. SOS... Temporary field hospital by us at UNDP needs supplies, pain meds, bandages. Please help us." Donate to their Haiti earthquake fund.

•As a UN Special Envoy to Haiti, Bill Clinton appeared on CNN on Wednesday to ask for further assistance in bringing relief to populations on the ground. You can donate through the Clinton Foundation or text HAITI to 20222 to donate $10.

Mercy Corps is sending a team of emergency responders to assess damage, and seek to fulfill immediate needs of quake survivors. The agency aided families after earthquakes in Peru in 2007, China and Pakistan in 2008, and Indonesia last year. Donate online, call 1-888-256-1900 or send checks to Mercy Corps Haiti Earthquake Fund; Dept NR; PO Box 2669; Portland, OR 97208.

•Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres is now asking donors to give to their general unrestricted fund, to ensure that any surplus donations they receive can be put to good use anywhere in the world. Below is a statement from the organization:

We are incredibly grateful for the generous support from our donors for the emergency in Haiti.
MSF has been working in Haiti for 19 years, most recently operating three emergency hospitals in Port-au-Prince, and is mobilizing a large emergency response to this disaster. Our immediate response in the first hours following the disaster in Haiti was only possible because of private unrestricted donations from around the world received before the earthquake struck. We are currently reinforcing our teams on the ground in order to respond to the immediate medical needs and to assess the humanitarian needs that MSF will be addressing in the months ahead.
We are now asking our donors to give to our Emergency Relief Fund. These types of funds ensure that our medical teams can react to the Haiti emergency and humanitarian crises all over the world, particularly neglected crises that remain outside the media spotlight. Your gift via this website will be earmarked for our Emergency Relief Fund.

Direct Relief is committing up to $1 million in aid for the response and is coordinating with its other in-country partners and colleague organizations. Their partners in Haiti include Partners in Health, St. Damien Children's Hospital, and the Visitation Hospital, which are particularly active in emergency response. Donate to Direct Relief online.

Oxfam is rushing in teams from around the region to respond to the situation to provide clean water, shelter, sanitation and help people recover. Donate to Oxfam America online.

•The UN World Food Programme (WFP) is gathering all available resources to deliver food to the newly homeless and impoverished in Haiti. Donate now to help bring food to those affected as quickly and efficiently as possible. One simple way to help is to text FRIENDS to 90999 to give $5 to WFP's relief efforts.

Drew Barrymore recently recorded an appeal to Americans to donate to the WFP:

•The Baptist Haiti Mission is operating an 82-bed hospital that is "overflowing with injured." Donate online to BHM and 100% of your donation will go to the relief effort.

International Medical Corps is assembling a team of first responders and resources to provide lifesaving medical care and other emergency services to survivors of the earthquake. Donate online.

•Following the earthquake, Catholic Relief Services made an immediate commitment of $5 million for emergency supplies. They are distributing food and relief supplies, and importing plastic sheeting, mosquito nets and water purification tablets from the Domincan Republic. Donate toCatholic Relief Services to assist in these efforts.

•Give to the American Jewish World Service's Earthquake Relief Fund.

•CARE is deploying emergency team members to Port-au-Prince to assist in recovery efforts. They're focusing their efforts on the health of children, distributing water sanitation tablets, food, hygiene kits and emergency healthcare. Donate to CARE.

•Make your donation count double through The online fundraising site has offered to match all donations made to organizations, up to a pre-set, un-posted amount.

Orphans International America reports that they have been able to make contact with their program director in the town of Jacmel, a city about 20 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince that houses OI's hospitals and schools. Orphans International America is attempting to gather food, clean water and emergency medical supplies to Jacmel. You can contribute to them throughPayPal.

The International Rescue Committee is deploying an emergency response team to Haiti to deliver urgent assistance to earthquake survivors and to help overwhelmed local aid groups struggling to meet the immense emergency needs. They will focus on critical medical, water and sanitation assistance. Donate to the IRC Haiti Crisis Fund.

NetHope is coordinating its response with its NGO member agencies and with the UN's Emergency Telecom Cluster to establish connectivity in Haiti. Seventeen of NetHope's members are already providing aid and deploying resources on the ground. Donate online.

The Haitian Health Foundation is still assessing the situation of their full-time facilities and staff in Haiti. They regularly provide health care, development and relief to rural mountain villages in Haiti. Donate to the Haitian Health Foundation.

•World Vision has more 370 staff in the country. Staff members from less-affected regions of Haiti are mobilizing, and World Vision's global experts are expected to arrive in the disaster zone as soon as possible. Donate to World Vision.

The Jewish Federations of North America is partnering with the American Jewish Joint Distribution committee and have created a dedicated Haiti Relief page for online donations.

United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is the UN's humanitarian fund responding to emergencies like the earthquake in Haiti. Donate online.

Friends of the Orphans will use donations to meet the needs of first responders such as first aid supplies, shipping of necessary materials to assist in efforts, and treating the injured. Those interested in helping the relief effort can visit, or call 888-201-8880 to make a donation.

World Concern's staff is almost entirely composed of Haitian nationals and will be tapping into private as well as U.S. government supplies to help in the relief effort it hopes will soon be supplemented by cargo ships. Donate to World Concern.

Merlin USA is sending an emergency response team out to the region and have subsequently launched an emergency appeal to bring urgent medical aid and assistance to those affected. Donate to Merlin USA.

The Salvation Army has staff on the ground and already the organization has set aside $50,000 in direct aid to the country but the organization is in need of additional donations. Donations can be made online or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY.

•The American Refugee Committee is sending a response team to provide water, sanitation, and shelter for earthquake survivors. Donate online or read about their volunteer opportunities.

AmeriCares has pledged $5 million in aid in the wake of the catastrophe and is sending an emergency shipment with $3 million worth of medicines and supplies for earthquake survivors. Donate online or call 1-800-486-HELP.

Handicap International will provide care to those injured by the earthquake and its aftershocks, including support to hospitals for essential post-surgery and rehabilitation care, as well as emergency shelter, emergency basic needs and food distribution for at least 5,000 people initially.Donate online.

Episcopal Relief & Development has committed to providing Haiti both long and short-term support in the wake of the disaster. Donate to the Haiti Fund or call 1-800-334-7626, ext. 5129. Gifts can be mailed to Episcopal Relief & Development, PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.

United Way is currently assessing Haiti's longtime recovery needs. Donate online, write a check, call 866-404-5826 or make a $5 donation by texting HAITI to 864833 (UNITED).

UNFPA is focusing on distributing safe delivery kits and sending essential medical and reproductive health supplies to ensure that women have safe deliveries including emergency caesarean operations. The organization is helping to safeguard the personal hygiene and dignity of women and girls by providing supplies like soap, sanitary napkins, toilet paper, and disposable diapers and providing support to hospitals along the boarder area, where many injured are going to seek medical help. Donate online.

HuffPost Impact is following relief organizations in Haiti and will be updating with their latest messages from the ground.

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